As sisters, the lifelong bond we have shared has always been incredibly close.
Regardless of whether our many projects or passions were a success, it was clear early on that, together as a team, we were meant to dream big and tackle life side by side. Armed with Kirstie’s strong sense of compassion, Mallory’s driven personality, and a mutual love for design and logistics, Elevate was brought to life in 2015, and we haven’t looked back since.
Growing from just the two of us to a now veritable army of planners, designers, assistants and producers, we have continued to hone our passion for bringing the Midwest industry to new standards, known for our refined style and extremely high expectations.
Growing up, we enjoyed the same activities, shared similar tastes and values, and forged an almost sixth-sense quality between us, completing each other's sentences and finding greater strength as a pair. Working together just comes naturally to us, much like our mutual desire to simply celebrate life: the big moments, the small milestones, and anything in between.